Land the Federal Career of Your Dreams.

$95 - Master Federal Resume with examples + Resume Template + Template Guide

Get ACCESS to a proven USAJOBS resume template that will give you the best chance at getting referred once and for all.

We've all been there - maybe it was during your military transition or years after you've been out - where you think you're doing everything right.

Following all the advice.

Using Keywords.

Listing your accomplishments.

But for whatever reason, you are still no closer to landing those jobs you've been after. And you see former brothers and sisters in arms - other Vets - being referred and landing positions when you know you are just as qualified, if not more so.

You start to question yourself. "What am I doing wrong?", you ask yourself.

Somehow doing all of those right things is not paying off and you continue to get more and more frustrated with each and every job announcement you apply to.

It feels like a hamster wheel. You're moving, but going nowhere.

The difference between being referred and being passed over remains a mystery to you.

Am I doing the best I can to represent all of my military experience to a civilian employer?

Imagine for a minute what it would feel like to "figure it all out".

You start seeing referral after referral so that you have more chances at interviews instead of being frustrated. You apply to different positions with confidence instead of dreading seeing another job announcement.

And you finally know with certainty that you are moving in the right direction.

You sit down to apply for another job knowing you have a resume that is going to set you apart.

You see yourself in a position with career growth and opportunities.

You're no longer stressed and frustrated and can spend quality time with your family and friends.

What you GET:

  • An 8 page master federal resume template with accomplishments, style, and the format that you need to stand out.
  • A guide on how to use the Master Federal Resume Template for Vets.
  • We also explain the hiring process and what to expect.

What this is NOT:

  • This is NOT a unique/specific just for you tailored federal resume that costs THOUSANDS of Dollars.

The "Master Federal Resume Template for Vets" opens doors to new career opportunities!

Highlight your experience, your skills, and your value to prospective employers.

The "Master Federal Resume Template for Vets'' has the narrative format that is the preferred style of federal HR professionals, hiring managers and individuals sitting on hiring panels. It has tried and true contents that deliver results.

This specific federal resume has been used countless times with great results. IF you are looking for GS 9-13 positions, this resume will provide you with the framework needed to finally start getting referred to Hiring Managers.

If you are looking for GS 4-8 positions, then this will absolutely work as it will give you more than enough ammunition to set you apart from the crowd.

The "Master Federal Resume Template for Vets" took nearly 20 hours to carefully craft. It was written to ensure it met the USAJOBS resume standards.

This Master Federal Resume template will save you HUNDREDS of dollars or more. It will also save you hours of your time if you choose to write your own resume from scratch (and from the looks of things, this is you since you are here).

With the right resume you'll finally be able to start that career you've been after.

Remember: Employers WANT to hire Veterans

So you have a little work to do, but you were never afraid to get your hands dirty. The hard work has been done for you.

  • You now have the tool to show them that you are the Veteran they NEED in their organization.
  • You will be able to translate your military skills and experience to something civilian employers can understand.
  • Create tailored resumes using our template for consistent results.

Is the Master Federal Resume Template for Vets right for ME?

Can't I just write my own resume?

  • You absolutely can. However, if you've been doing that with the same results and aren't happy... What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity? That's right, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Wouldn't I be better off hiring a professional resume writer?

  • This is a very good option. Quality tailored resumes for GS 9-13 positions are costly. Expect to pay a rate of $150/hr to $175/hr from top resume writers and the total time it takes to put these long resumes together can be anywhere from 8 - 12 hours or more. This could leave you with a tab of anywhere from $1200 - $2100. What if that expensive resume doesn't work? You'll have to break the bank again to get yet another tailored resume.

The Right Federal Resume Can Change Your Career Path - and Your Life

If you're ready to make that leap and stop doubting yourself, join us on the other side. You can now take control.

We made it easy to get your copy of the "Master Federal Resume Template for Vets" with a low payment that we promised wouldn't break the bank.

Take Control. Take Action. Change your life.

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